Thursday, December 4, 2008


Something big this way comes is a quote I think I remember with some accuracy.
No idea of origin.

A paraphrase for today might well be somethings big this way come, for this last month of 2008 is chock full of really unbelievable happenings.

The implication, the connotation, is not positive.

To name just a few of the things :

The Episcopal Church of the United States continues to split/splinter and to threaten to splinter again.
The Presiding Bishop (upper case intentional, out of courtesy) should expect no less of the militant conservatives.
It is so tiresome to see/read/hear of her deposing this or that dissident bishop whilst the ‘reforming’ processes swirl around her and the ECUSA.

Mumbai – what can one say about Mumbai? One question for sure: where else could it/will it happen?
India apparently did not take appropriate precautions; did not respond effectively.
Wonder how the US would do? Or any other civilized country.
As the g.d. flaming lib national dems might say, Who needs a Patriot Act?

A luxury cruise ship is attacked by pirates in the Gulf of Aden. It escapes, but what a way to run a war!!
We need the old ways back: convoys perhaps; summary punishments;
armed merchantmen/women; contracted maritime security.

Bailouts/bridge loans/nationalizations/inanity/wisdom are all mixed up together as, as one writer has put it, our nation, our economy is crossing the Rubicon.
Americans want to save the Big Three, as it were, but lots and lots of Americans buy foreign.
It is hard to forgive rotten, lousy, poor judgment.

A mob of shoppers tramples a store employee to death as it rushes to begin shopping.
Absolutely beyond belief!
But it is true.
We have come a long way, baby.

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