Monday, June 22, 2009


The US Navy is shadowing a freighter possibly carrying missiles or missile parts or other internationally banned material.
North Korea threatens ‘seas of fire’ if it is interfered with.
Disturbing activity is observed in and around missile facilities.

Iranian streets witness days of rioting.
Iranian military maneuvers are taking place off shore.

Step by step, bit by bit, b.o. is seemingly out of touch with these and other international matters.

This brief post will not reference domestic problems facing the b.o. Administration except to say that problems are mounting there as well: lack of plans and planning; costs; bipartisan concerns; etc., etc.

Again, to the point: a theory is taking form here that what we have is a progressively failing Presidency.

b.o. is a gifted campaigner, a gifted politician, a Chicago pol. He can win elections.
It appears that he cannot handle crises.
He has yet to do so.

Now, it could be that he is just new at the task.

It could be.

But the odds are that he does not and never had any real ability to do anything but win elections.

And then he went and won a big one because he fooled a lot of easily fooled people.
And now he is dealing with problems, with people, who are not overwhelmed by his messianic visage, his self-proclaimed powers of knowing how to finesse previously unfixable issues.

No, what we are likely to be witnessing is the unraveling of a lot of empty promises from a man who never really had any answers.

Is there a bright side to all of this?

We can hope that enough sane heads will at least prevail to some extent; that his mistakes can be handled; that terrorist threats will not succeed in really hurting the nation; that he does not do fundamental damage to the economy; that perhaps enough voters will be able to be aware of reality and vote him out of office.

We could hope that he becomes aware of the inanity of his programs and can find a way to get out of his campaign promises.

We can hope.

Gramma said that hope springs eternal.

May it be so.

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