Wednesday, August 12, 2009


And so, back ‘downstate’, we at The Study look out at the world from our home base.

We see that the debate(s) continue:

The health care/reform factions/town hall meetings argue it out.

The Episcopal Church, aka TEC, continues to apparently fragment, foundering on matters of sex and all that such a topic implies.

Venezuela continues disruptive efforts in the South.

Forest fires apparently rage in Alaska and msm ignores them.
Now, we know one cannot fight Alaskan forest fires, but to ignore them is to ignore an important story.
Why are American forest fires only important if they burn up the homes of Hollywood stars?

Iraq and Afghanistan continue to consume US treasure, human and otherwise.

China and Russia doubtless go about their subversive activities.

The b.o. Administration continues to pander to disgusting democrat interest groups.

Global warming proponents continue to make ridiculous predictions.

b.o. Administration continues to seek moronic green legislation.

No drilling, not now, not then, no way!!!!

Congressional majority leadership is unbelievably, amazingly, transparently ignorant on most commonly debated national issues.

And now a comforting note:

It is possible for the rank and file of us to ignore all of the above almost all of the time only because our nation, our society, is absolutely so amazingly strong and secure and rich and powerful and shall I say, tolerant, despite some evidence to the contrary.

The Robber ‘Barons’ of past and present, whom the libs so gleefully and ignorantly deride, are the ones who have worked with the amazing natural AND human resources found in this Great Land, to produce the unprecedented supreme power entity known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

It is our hope and belief that the sleeping political awareness of the American electorate will come to realize the HUGE ERROR it made when it elected the collectivist person known as b.o. as President of this Great Land.

It is our hope and belief that at the next election, b.o. and his national dem party will be summarily and decisively voted out of office and replaced by someone who understands just what it was/is that has made the United States the Beacon on the Hill that it was, is, and we hope, will be for a very long time to come.

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