Friday, September 11, 2009


What to say on this Day of Days?

We watched the morning coverage of tributes and the commemorations and shed a few tears as we watched and remembered.

But what to say?

We can do no better at this late hour than quote a stanza from a poem written in 1914 to honor the dead of the BEF in the Great War of that year and now applicable " a tribute to all casualties of war, regardless of nation."

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

As we so often have been saying of late, lest we forget.

1 comment:

Upnorfjoel said...

Not one word in my Church's intersessions today about the victims or families of 9/11. Not one, officially. I offered up my own, nice and loudly, when the prayer asks for personal petitions. It is not the same thing though.

Yet our prayers are always fairly wide-reaching. For instance, we prayed for a local high school boy who died tragically in a football game last Friday night. It is sad, and he is deserving, although he had no personal connection with anyone in the Church. But we prayed for him, not the 3000 and their innumerable connections from 9/11.

I don't get it. But it's disturbing.