Wednesday, October 14, 2009


When it gets late and when happy hour has gotten long and dinner was large and good, it becomes difficult to write.
At such times we/I tend to surf my news sites instead of writing and jot down whatever seems of interest, grist for future items, if you will.

Lately, all of the above have been happening a lot.
How sweet it is!

And here are some of the ‘grists’ [is that the correct use of that term?]:

chris matthews on msnbc announced that it would be ok if Rush Limbaugh was blown up.

Rush Limbaugh is not welcome as an NFL owner because of rumors/unsubstantiated lies spread about him.

Journalists silence a fellow journalist whilst the former is questioning algore closely about his claims regarding climate change.

b.o.&co. announce that the Taliban is not a major threat to the security of the US while it, the Taliban, gives every appearance of successful destabilization of Pakistan and that entire region of the world.

U.S. Federal authorities have ordered a southwest sheriff to stop arresting illegal immigrants in his jurisdiction.

CNN is fact-checking comedy routines which are critical of b.o.

A five or six year-old is suspended from school and faces 40+ days of ‘special education’ or something called ‘reform school’ for bringing a cub scout camping tool (combination knife, fork, and spoon)to the school lunch room.

The President of the United States, b.o., still in his first year in office, is worshipped by his followers, his congregants (his voters) and wins the Nobel Peace Prize in spite of the fact that he has achieved NONE of his goals to date and in spite of the fact that all the wars he ‘inherited’ are raging ever more violently as this post is being written.

Well, there you are.
Such is the state of the weird news that is floating around us these days.
And these are just a few examples!

Thank God there is lots of ‘normal’ news as well.

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