Sunday, January 17, 2010


Politicians and smoked-filled rooms, we are told, was the way it used to be done.
Bismarck said that those who like sausages and politics should never watch either being made.

Prominent citizens and celebrities used to at least attempt to hide their…questionable activities, at least some of the time or at least when they could.

The b.o. team, the national dems, have set a new benchmark for politics: they do their skullduggery IN PUBLIC.

They have no shame; they have no iota of respect for the acuity of their voting public.
Or maybe they do, maybe they have gauged their constituency and have found that they are as corrupt as the party is.
God save us.

At least in the old days, the actors hid their dirty linen.

The new edition of dems show it off proudly.

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