Sunday, May 2, 2010



Funny, the older and slower we become, the faster life seems to hasten by.

Already more than a week since last entry.

And so much is going on, within and without The Study.

Significant rain started very early this morning.
And then it stopped until late afternoon, perfect timing for going to Church and for Dear Granddaughters’ soccer game.

And then delightful showers began again as darkness settled in.
We used to call this Camelot Weather - perfect days and rainy nights – the best of both worlds.

And so we sit down to express a thought or two.

In Michigan, the smoking ban has taken effect.
There are those who see it as an infringement on their freedom to assault others with their noxious habit.
And there are others who see it as an enhancement of the nonsmokers’ right to be free from such assault.

A no brainer.
No argument.

As the old saw has it, your freedom of expression ends at the tip of my nose.

And the oil disaster continues.

We expect the media to make much of the reasons why it will be difficult to contain the spill and much of the failure of BP to handle things optimally.

Contrast such observations with the condemnations of the Bush Administration to deal with such a simple problem as Katrina.
Little enough said of the uniqueness of that weather event.

But it says much of the liberal bias against corporate America and non-liberals.
Facts: ca. 1/3 of US oil comes from offshore wells.
Offshore drilling has to go on.
The damaged well was fifty miles out because it is illegal to drill closer – closer is easier to maintain.
Alaskan fields cannot be developed – land drill sites which would be mickey mouse to maintain.

The US Senate is pillorying Financial America, the economic engine of the world.
The politicos are using the public's ignorance of the ins-and-outs of the world of high finance to convince voters that the real enemy of American prosperity, their prosperity, is Wall Street.

Fact: the complexity of rarified financial dealings is an unknown art to many of us common folk in our everyday world – unless we make it our business to discover it.
Most of us have not seen fit to make it our business.

Don’t believe the Senators who are grandstanding.

As Mark Twain and Will Rogers were fond of saying, in so many words, “Congress is in recess. The country has a chance.”

All the negative press devoted to the Arizona Immigration Law has now been shown to be bull sh.t.
Police cannot stop folks and ask for papers, the clever allusion to nazi practice.
Good grief!!
And then there is the question of the legality of illegality.
A commission to study whether or not it is illegal to be illegal???
And how grande it is to see the mobs taking to the streets to legislate the Arizona Law.

As someone said, THERE OTTA BE A LAW!!!

The US debt trajectory is apparently unsustainable in the medium run.

And the new programs were not supposed to cost an extra dime – stopping waste and graft would fix everything.
Nobody’s taxes would increase.

Did someone lie?


Go b.o.

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