Friday, August 6, 2010


We walked with the Dear Granddaughters in a Conservancy Forest today, one of those that has been purchased by a group intending to keep it as it has been, evolving naturally with minimum input from the ‘non-natural’.

We perhaps have written of it before.

One trail takes ca. 45 minutes to climb, winding its way up the dune to decking overlooking Lake Michigan.

Thoughts occurred whilst climbing:

A ‘conserved forest’ has a lot to say about the reality of life as we know it.

Looking in any direction will exhibit the eternal cycle: the birth of the young plants; their maturity; and their ultimate decline and fall.

Such a reminder of ‘the last things’, and the first things for that matter. Not to mention the in-between.

And then the symbolism of the beautiful Lake at the end of the trail.

“Send our mail to the end of the trail.”
Now where did that come from.

Birth, growth, maturity, decline, and death, and then the Beautiful Lake.

There has to be meaning in all of that.

The symbolism of the Lake just now hit me.

We may have mentioned that a Victorian town we visit when going to Sophie’s doctor has situated the high school right next to the town cemetery, a cemetery at least 150 years old.

Many of the kids have to walk thru the greenwood to get to classes.

Another old friend has just passed away at our Church.
It has been a tough year.

It has been a real year.

We believe that there is a beautiful Lake at the end of the trail.

1 comment:

mejstroud said...

The image of the lake at the end or our trail is wonderful, calming, and hope-filled! I am sure the dear ones who have recently gone before us are gathered on the shore.

Lovely thoughts you've had today!

Peace and joy, my friend!