Tuesday, October 26, 2010


About three weeks have elapsed.
A number of Downstate chores were contemplated and two biggies were undertaken.

First there was the house painting, outside. Scraping first, of course.

We are mostly brick, but the woodwork took about a day or so on a side.
Four sides.

An eight and a six foot ladder were required for the various spaces, the normal ones and the hard-to-get-into.

And it looks good.
But we’re not quite done. Little bits of trim here and there, but Dear Wife did the bench on the porch and the wooden shutters. And the door.

Looks nice.

And then, just toward the end of it all, on a side of the house where the flower bed by the house was covered in fallen leaves, we moved the ladder a few inches back from where it was, checked the solididty, stepped up with left foot first, then the right, and over the ladder went [into a leaf-covered hole under the right front leg] left unfilled when a plant was transplanted.

The gallon of paint can was on the way off the ladder platform, the ladder was going down, and Dear Himself endeavored bravely to save the paint, resulting in a foot-and-a-half straight leg fall off the ladder, straight down on the unbent leg.
This was almost a year after the same type of fall off our stairs Up North.

Pain and stiffness did not really set in till the next day, when we started cleaning out our garage in prep for a late-fall garage sale [I hate garage sales, but I love the Pickers and the Pawn Shop.

Go figure.

Up and down the stairs; up and down the ladders; and cleaning, dusting, sorting, ALL ON FOOT.
Anyway, it is over now for the time being.

Our next such endeavor will be the Church garage sale. Even more fellowship possible.

The best things about garage sales are the people you meet, most of ‘em anyway.

Wwe spent what seemed like years cleaning and reclaiming and finding real treasures and then the sale.
We made a few bucks; met some real characters; had fellowship with Dear Daughter who helped us out mightily, and tomorrow it is off to the Salvation Army with all sort of stuff.

Thank the Lord.

And Dear Leg/knee appears to be healing.
We’ve been taking it a bit easy since.

Tomorrow, we hope to bring the fish in from the pond, very late this year.

And then down to explore the pipe tobacco in a charming tobacconist shop.

1 comment:

cathy said...

Thanksgiving greetings! I have missed visiting your corner of blogland lately. (Actually am posting less and less in my own corner!) I hope your leg is better...ye gads! I,too, hate garage sales (hosting them) but love popping in on others' sales and also love Pawn and Pickers! Hoping your day has been wonderful!