Friday, March 25, 2011


An acquaintance assures me that one reason she is proud of her church is that it is a ‘thinking church’, a fellowship of believers who think for themselves and are able to avoid oversimplification and erroneous conclusions about matters of faith.

This same person then proceeds to make oversimplified and erroneous statements about various historical and current world affairs – totally at odds with her professed desire to be a thinking person and totally at odds with verifiable reality.

The point: we are human and we are inconsistent. I am terribly guilty of this human condition.

But it both amuses and worries me when so many folks suffer from this same limitation – especially when they are opinion makers and leaders of our nation.
And when they are voters.

It is a truism that never before has so much data been available to the ordinary citizen.

It is also a truism that never before has so much data been ignored by the ordinary citizen.

It follows that we are an extraordinarily ignorant ordinary citizenry.

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