Friday, January 27, 2012


Another debate.

And another and another and another.
We remember when the so-called debates, as they exist now, did not exist…and it was not really so long ago.
The pre-now debates took place in smoke-filled rooms and amongst the party power brokers…
Our new, present debate system is part of democratization of the process….in which the 'little guy' gets to have his/her say.

The assumption is that having TV land watch  the candidates of one party attack each other is the best way to win the upcoming national election.
After each transparent debate the pollsters poll the electorate to see who ‘won’.

Yes, this sounds like an enlightened system indeed, much superior to having party and political professionals evaluate the issues and strengths and weaknesses of the contenders.

Yes, we have really improved the process.

Evaluation of debating skills and  personal issues about which the voter cannot possibly relate to a skill set required to run the most powerful nation in the history of the planet now becomes a major factor in candidate selection.

We've come a long way.

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