Saturday, July 19, 2008


Grandkids are in the Northern Camp.
We at The Study Camp are busy, very busy, with family and Grandkid doings.

And there are visits by Family Folk from Downstate.

Northern things can really occupy your time. Wood to stack; picnics to pack for; boat matters; shopping to do; Church to attend; lunches and dinners and breakfasts to either fix or go out to.

And there is even the world to monitor. Boy, is it ever harder to do that monitoring whilst in The North.

There is just so much going on around the little enclave….

But there is cable TV; and there is the computer. And so it can be done, even if it must be done late at night and after a lot has happened to dull the razor sharp [??] mind.

Tomorrow is worship at a 150 year-old church; breakfast overlooking a picturesque bay; grocery shopping; boating if weather permits; marshmallows+choc+graham crackers over camp fire; grilling dinner out; neighboring with fellow campers; swimming at the beach or from the boat; and taking advantage of the nearby playground.

Youngest Grandchild has been named the Playground Bunny. The eldest is the Beach Bum.

Anyway, regarding the world:

Lambeth Conference has begun.
According to the msm coverage, the main issue(s) has to do with gay (rights).

Which leads me to recall the work of Elaine Pagels, although I do not pretend to be an expert on her work.

She writes that the ancient church was even more fragmented than is our present-day configuration.

Perhaps fragmentation is the way it has to be, in the long run. I just do not know.
I know that no one knows God’s will for sure. Those who feel they do are fools or whatever. It is late and I do not have time to delineate all the possibilities for those who feel they know what God is about.

For a church to spend time and energy and to split up over gay rights is pathetic.

The rights of gays are not worth the destruction of a denomination.
It is better to deny them (gays) their alleged rights than to destroy an institution.

But if it has to be destroyed, than so be it.

Truth is truth, and gene r. will not change it.

He will be the straw, or one of them, that does the destroying, but he does not care and maybe that is how it has to be in these days of “…me, me, me.”

The Little People will carry on in their various parishes and will find their ways to Heaven or to Whatever.

We will know what is in store when we get there.

We wont know till then.

I will liken it to deciding to attend a huge university.
You find your niche. You do not do it all.
You operate within your own realm, your own areas of interest.

The Early Church destroyed a lot of Christian sects. Many were destroyed, their texts burned.

Probably, without doubt even, there was value in these texts.

Ignorant burnings are disgusting. And the Early Church did it.


And now we have the potential for a crackup of the EPCUSA.
Maybe it should be cracked up.

Maybe the Early Church was wrong to destroy what it THOUGHT was heresy.


Now, if you are one of the few, the very few who read these musings, you will very likely now come to believe that I do not believe that we can be sure of anything.


All I am saying is that there are more important things to worry about than whether God wants gene r. to get married to a man.
gene will find out God’s position on his bedroom activities when he kicks the bucket.

I don’t care a sh.t what gene does in his bedroom or anywhere.
In fact, I would like never to hear his gd name again.

The Good Guys can find their own ways to God w/o destroying a religious institution.

Go away, gene.

And b.o. is in Afghanistan.

He is touring the war fronts and has decided his position on future strategy before consulting with the field commanders.

He is a very special piece of work.

It is too late to disparage him now. I mean, too late this day. I will endeavor to highlight his weaknesses, deficiencies, failures, flip flops, etc., another day.

And then there are mudslides and forest fires.
Mudslides and forest fires do not occur in ‘normal’ subdivisions or cities.

They are only problems when people live in forests or on flood plains or hillsides. Is that really right???

I think so. No research. Just a feeling.

If you live in fuel, you just might burn up.

If you live on the side of a hill, you just might slide down.

Go and live in a ‘normal’ place.

I hope the price of gas goes to five or six dollars a gallon just before the fall elections.
I do not want it to stay there. Just long enough to expose the obscene ignorance and disgusting natures of pelosi, reid, and the national dems.

Five or six dollar gas just might elect McCain.

I hope so.

And then the price will or should go down.

We will drill Alaska.

We will develop oil shale.

We will drill off shore.

pelosi and reid are enemies of the United States.

Dare I say it: damn the work of pelosi and reid.

Anyone who supports their policies is a fool.

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