Friday, January 30, 2009


‘Tis Friday AM.
Coffee being drunk. Perhaps consumed is a better word.

Breakfast over – coffee cake and fruit still to be eaten.

What a week – what a winter – such news is in the air.

It is so easy to be negative. It does no good.

There is a song lyric: Deemphasize the negative; Emphasize the positive.
Good thought.

b.o. is trying to be President.

He has, shall I say, a lot of challenges, a lot on his Presidential plate.

The economy, of course, is a biggie. The news just seems to be getting worse and worse.
Federal efforts seem to be achieving nothing.
The statistics keep getting worse.
And the money keeps being spent.

I seem to remember that leadership folk type just a year or so ago were carrying on about how the War in Iraq was going to bankrupt the US.

Well, what can one say.

The trillions keep on lining up to be rolled out.

And the job layoffs. My goodness, they just keep on happening, tens and thousands – and store closings.

On of my favorite stores, Lazy Boy (sp?) – where a few years ago we bought by vary favoritist [I know it is not a word] of leather chairs – has just closed a quadrillion stores.
And the sales clerk was a fox.

There is no justice.

And the snow keeps falling: over 70 inches so far we think.
But it is beautiful.
And the fireplace is a link to a simpler world. But was it really??
Probably not. But maybe, depending on how you figure those things.
How's that for saying nothing?

Iran is demanding total US withdrawl from the world and apologies.

b.o. is confident that George Mitchell will soon have the Middle East under control. b.o. has said so.

US Mail is thinking of reduced delivery schedules.
The Russian Navy is visiting Cuba.

nancy p. and h. reid are carrying on as usual – incompetent and embarrassing, apparently frustrating even b.o.

It is hard for laypersons to really know what is right, but more experts are warning re the continuing strategy of heavy spending to solve current economic problems.

Even volcanoes are threatening the Homeland with rumblings and quakes occurring in Alaska, a lovely place we visited this past summer.

Most Americans are now reportedly labeling themselves as democrats – a statistic which only demonstrates their disconnect from reality and their connect to something less credible.

The currently new edition of the stimulus plans seems to be full of non-stimulating PORK. And every time one of those parts is exposed it is deleted.
Good grief!

And mainland China is festering.
And Afghanistan is festering.

And the b.o. administration has ca. 70% approval ratings from a public that has yet to see it do or accomplish ANYTHING but to contradict itself and announce that it is thinking about what to do.
Good grief!

Time for another coffee and a piece of buttered Irish soda bread.

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