Tuesday, September 22, 2009


'We can't afford the moral high ground' in the London Times is a must read for anyone trying to understand how nations work for and against each other in this modern age.

Unpleasant reading. It is like a dose of medicine that tastes dreadful.

It reminds me of the Bismark quotation oft quoted in these pages: "Those who like sausages and politics should never watch either being made."

Unpleasant, but oh so true.

Follow the link below.


Accept the premises set forth in the article or not, but consider, as we see and hear in the next few weeks all sorts of nonsense being put forth by various world leaders, our own President included, that the world needs to scrap and replace the international order largely established, protected, and administered by the Anglo-American Special Relationship for the last two centuries, that the nations and agencies being proposed as the new protectors and administrators will not be Great Britain or the United States, the two greatest, most significant democracies the world has ever known.

I will not name the replacements being considered.
You can make up your own list of likely candidates, considering who and what is calling for the changes.

But I will emphasize again that they will not be the great democracies mentioned above.

And I will quote one of my favorite experts on such matters:

Many forms of government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time....
Churchill - 1947

Consider the speeches we will see/hear at the u.n. this week. And listen to b.o. call for new world orders. And listen to China calling for a new monetary system. And watch our diplomats sitting down with Iran and N. Korea promising us the fruits of extending the open hand. And watch the current sweeps going on rousting out the terrorists from New York City and related environs. And watch our Justice Department possibly undertaking prosecutions of the CIA and consider: are we on the right path in this year of change?

Or were we on the right path?

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