Friday, April 9, 2010


We have been busy at The Study lately.
Busy, not efficient.

Lots of things are not being done that should be attended to.

And our national leaders are more distressing to us than usual.

And international affairs appear to us to be in increasing disarray.

And it is by no means clear that depressing trends and tendencies in the national and international sources that we monitor are showing any signs of improvement.

So, to our few readers, sorry for the negative notes so prevalent in these pages of late.

Lots of good things are going on out there and in here, but my goodness, there is so much of the other sort.

Today, God willing, we will do some overdue chores; pick up some badly-needed groceries; build a fire; hunker down for a chilly night outside; and thank the Good Lord for the blessings of the day.


Upnorfjoel said...

Apology rejected.
Keep up the good work!

Cathy said...

No problem, Paul. I like getting your quick takes since I now practically live in the van (hauling kids to and fro) do the summarizing and I need to pray more about our leaders and our wonderful country (I can do that in the van!) As long as you keep using your "Lake Wobegone" writing gifts about life at camp, time with your grandchildren and dear wife (amidst the political updates) all is well :)