Monday, May 31, 2010


We are downstate again.

Two quick trips North have seen the Camp opened and the Kayla Elise once again restored to her element.
She sails the narrow waters again in all appropriate splendor.

Our Northern Neighbors have largely reestablished themselves and the Community is restored – as in our version of Brigadoon, if you will.

It is late on this Memorial Day, 2010, and it has been a busy day.

The ole mind is not as clear as it should be as I take keyboard in hand. We marched today in the Memorial Day Parade – temp in the upper 80’s in our part of the neighborhood.
Thousands of people in attendance.

What a thrill to participate – the staging of the parade; the parade walk; the ceremonies at the cemetery; and the afterglow.
All marchers were invited to the VFW for free, that is free hotdogs, pop, and chips.

Small town!!!!!!!!!!!
How sweet it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then it was off to Dear Son-in-Law’s birthday party.

Wonderful fellowship ensued, as did adult beverages and cooling off in AC after a really strenuous morning and early afternoon.

But what a splendid time.

Today we honored those who have died in the Armed Forces of the United States of America and the birthday of our Son-in-Law.

And we think of the dangers facing our military in the world beyond.

We think of the apparent incompetence of our national leadership and the brilliance of our Armed Forces.

We trust the Good Lord to preserve and safeguard the legitimate interests of the United States. And those who labor in behalf of those interests.

You note that our current national leadership never uses such language.

We lament the catastrophe of the oil spill and the failure to stop it.

We are alarmed by the positions taken by the b.o. administration regarding Israel; Iran; the UK; the EU; Afghanistan; Iraq; Arizona; Gitmo; the War on Terror; and on and on and on.

We take heart in a major Republican Lincoln Day Dinner event we were privileged to attend.

We were privileged to attend an evening of politicking with the keynote speaker being no less a personage than Karl Rove.
We were invited by a fellow high school classmate.
A first for us, and we mingled for a few moments with political powers-that-be.
Fun! Inspiring!

Hope, faith springs eternal.

Anyway, now it is late.

I must shut down for the night.

I hope this Memorial Day was fruitful and constructive for all.

It is one of our holidays which should not be allowed to degenerate into merely a time to grill burgers and ogle bikinis.
Not that it is not superb fun to do both.

But all things in moderation.

Pray for our Military and for our First Responders.

They are our Thin Blue and Thin Red Lines and we need them these days more than ever.

More later.

God bless!!

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