Tuesday, August 24, 2010


We are ‘downstate’ and it is late and it has been a delightfully busy day.
Indeed, it has been a delightfully busy week and a half.

And it seems that ‘postability’ [I know, probably not a word] has returned to The Downstate Study.

And so we take up keyboard to renew the line of communication with self and with whomever [sp?] happens across these pages.

An ususual coincidence occurred in our family eight years ago that is worth mentioning.

Eight years ago on August 22nd our second Dear Granddaughter was born. And it just so happens that August 22 is also the anniversary of the birth of Dear Wife, the Dear Gramma of that Dear Granddaughter.
And, it also happens that that date is the anniversary of the marriage of Dear Son and Dear Daughter-in-law, the parents of that Little Person.

At the parents’ wedding, all the folks at the reception sang happy birthday to the Mother of the Groom.
How about that?
Now Gramma is well organized, but this is really out of the ordinary.

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