Saturday, September 11, 2010


We traveled back in time today.

We arose ca. 8:30 and did the necessaries, one of which was walking Sophie Matilda.
And then it was coffee and fruit and oatmeal and blueberry muffins and half a bagel for the Old Fella.

And then showers and an emergency shopping trip to one of our villages for groceries and then blts and soup and then dishes washed and then off to the 19th Century.

We drove into a 19th Century city which is full of parking meters, none of them are used on Saturday.
And then we parked and went to our favorite bike shop for info and parts and then began our tour, the first such tour this year.

We have been foolish not to have gone back in time a couple of times this year.

Anyway, we walked the Boardman River and salivated over the Victorian homes and the neighborhood and then…and then onto the shops and stores which abound.

There was the coffee shop for lattes/mochas, one each, and a lavatory stop.

And then gift shops galore and then a surperb tobacconist – I know, bad, but there you are.

And then up and down the commercial district, past the humungous book shop and the Victorian Opera House and the marina and the Oil and Vinegar store …….to die for!!!!!!!!!!.........with most attractive sales staff -

And folks walking dogs and young people and oldsters … we were there… and we found that we had used up over three hours and it was time to head back to the 21st Century.

We stopped on way back to camp for more emergency groceries to go with our new oil and vinegar and then back to Sophie M. and wine and martinis and classical music and absolute silence except for the classical music playing on our ever-so-modern stereo…and our discussions of a beautiful day.

How sweet it is!

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