Saturday, December 11, 2010


The Christmas lights are up.
A few decorations remain to be done inside.

The ‘village’ is back in business. We think of it as a little Brigadoon.
Every year the Grandkids get to pick which of the wee folk they are.
We do the same.

There are two garlands with lights to be placed between two rooms.
And then we are done with that lot.

The pantry is well stocked; the bar as well.

We will head out for gas after Church for the snowblower, for a flaming grand storm is predicted for Sunday and Sunday night.
God save us!
And the Church adult Christmas party is on for tomorrow night.

We are taking a fruit bowl. Will pick up that bit on the way to the gas station.

Have just finished the annual Christmas Letter, the one that goes into all the cards we send out.
An annual chore – a labor of love.
Dear Wife is proofreading it as I write.

Tomorrow we start to make out the cards.
The cycles repeat.

Between Church and the start of the big storm we hope to split some more firewood.
A good direction from Dickens: “Heap on more wood for the wind is chill."

Thank the Lord for a warm, dry house.

Be safe out there!

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