Saturday, February 26, 2011


We are busy here at The Study.

And, Lord knows, the world is busy in the greater world around us.

Revolution seethes in North Africa; sputters in Iran; same in Bahrain [sp?]; Egypt appears to have the lid on, especially important considering the location the Suez Canal; ripples observable all across this volatile part of the world, a vitally important province, if you will, of an American area of interest.

Iranian and Chinese naval assets are chess pieces in what is going on…pawns one might say….pawns to the US Navy, the king and queen and rooks and knights of the board (seas)….

But not all the players around the board appear to be deploying their pieces…and one of those players moves the king and queen, etc..

We hope that this is but an apparent failure to do one’s duty…an apparent lapse of will, ability, and knowledge, whatever characterization you choose to apply.

We hope the UN is not seriously expected to do anything.

We hope the presidential hands do not start to wring.

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