Sunday, March 27, 2011


There are bits of good news emerging from the chaos of the recent tsunami. We quote from the msm:

Bird experts feared that Wisdom, the oldest known wild bird in the U.S. was one of thousands of albatrosses killed when the tsunami spawned by Japan's earthquake swept across the Pacific Ocean on March 11.

But the 60-year-old [emphasis mine] Laysan albatross survived and was seen last week, feeding her recently hatched chick on a remote atoll near Hawaii.

The tsunami washed over several atolls and killed at least 2000 adult albatrosses and 110,000 chicks, officials at the Hawaiian and Pacific Islands National Wildlife Refuge Complex said.

Refuge Project director Barry Stieglitz said researchers are in awe of Wisdom and her ability to endure. '

It's also very humbling to known that this 8-pound bird has been producing chicks longer than I've been alive,' he said.

How sweet it is!!

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