Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Early Tuesday morning on second cup of coffee and a Republican strategist is being questioned by a lib news anchor re the now much ballyhooed phrase to the effect that the Palestinian people are an invented people.
O so wise anchor asked…”Well, aren’t all people invented? Aren’t Australians and Americans, etc., all invented people?

Strategist, happily enough, knew something about international politics, international definitions, and international realities.

Lib anchor evidently did not.

Here’s the deal, here is what the lib doesn’t know.
To be a non-invented people, that is, to be legally a nation, a group of folks have to possess certain prerequisites:

1 defendable borders
2 citizens [naturalization/native born]
3 viable economy [money; production capability; distribution, etc.]
4 military forces [capability of at least self-protection]
5 government [political viability – ability to id problems and solutions thereto and ability to carry them out

The above list is off top of head…as I remember it from elementary diplomacy…
Again, no time/inclination right now to look up the complete list.
Would that there was an editor requring such and willing to write a check.

That'll be the day.

If and when a group of folks possess all these characteristics, really possess them, not merely claim to do so, then and only then are they able to access the club, to take advantage of the rights of nationhood and to shoulder the consequent responsibilities.
Only then is that group truly not an invented people.

The current group of folks occupying the Middle East area in question do not currently qualify.

They are not a nation.
They are invented [nationally speaking].
Pity the ignorance of the msm media anchor….and all who try to learn from him.

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