Friday, November 21, 2008


At The Study, we monitor liberal news/commentary sources. Some of them are quite responsible.
The fact that much of the nonsense coming from the libs comes from the responsible lib sources is in itself depressing and…these days, even alarming, given the fact that flaming libs now control two of the three branches of the Republic’s government.

At any rate, one example:

Security concerns/necessities have required that private firms be contracted with to provide secure environments to various personnel/places/things in Iraq and Afghanistan and possibly elsewhere.
Libs consistently decry this practice. They invariably apply the adjective ‘infamous’ to the security organization known as Blackwater. This is depressing inasmuch as Blackwater has proven itself to be an outstanding enhancement of US presence wherever barbarians are at work against US interests. The operative word here is proven.

Some days ago we remarked that the flaming libs would wring their hands over what to do about the piracy problem off the African coast; that to suggest deploying private security vessels would cause the libs to go ballistic.
And now, on a ‘responsible’ lib talk venue, such has been the case. The ‘expert’ intones that no one would want a private security vessel to accompany convoys of freighters.

No one???

We at The Study think that it would be a splendid idea. Letters of Marque could be issued, as they were in days long ago, before the day of the flaming libs.

And the aforementioned pundit, w/o batting an electronic eye, further intoned that European law would forbid any summary trial of captured pirates.


Accoring to OLD EUROPE, a captured pirate CANNOT BE EXECUTED under current international law.
And said pundit excoriated the US for not signing on the this international impotency.

Talk about a tired, old, and IMPOTENT Europe.

I think Europe deserves a lower case e.

And reduced letter size.

1 comment:

Upnorfjoel said...

There was some shipping spokesperson on the radio this morning, stating that a ship captain's responsibility was to the crew, cargo and ship, not to defending against pirates! What the hell does that mean?

If pirates steal your ship and take your crew, you certainly aren't being responsible for them!

Historically, a ship's captain must defend!! Why is it up to government Navies to do this work?

We're talking about a few idiots, in inflatible boats with grappling-hooks for craps sake!

Two or three trained men (Blackwater is good!) with high-powered weapons and night-goggles could turn these guys into "chum" before they got within a couple hundred yards of a supertanker.

I really don't understand the problem.