Friday, May 22, 2009


Friday night.

It is late again – 11:12 PM.
Here I go again.
The late news is on and as I listen to it in our camp, I am struck by the ‘news’ being covered by the news folks UP NORTH:

There is a report on pasties (the cooked ones, not the other ones); camping reservations; State Police radar speed monitoring; holiday weekend shopping expectations; hopes for more $$ for sheriff patrols; forest fires in the UP and forest fire danger elsewhere; a charity run of 5K; boater safety concerns; a plane crash on a car dealership; a US soldier in boxer shorts and flip flops fighting barbarians; weather news; and yes, two items on burglaries.

Two items!

Now, there was some other news before I started recording, but you get the idea.
There were no assaults; no murders; no rapes; no empty or occupied houses burning; no state takeovers of this or that; and so on.

Think about the news one gets ‘downstate’.

Sure, there are the bad things that happen UP HERE.

But the frequency is soooooooo different!

An attempt at French: viva la difference!!!!! (Sp???)

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