Tuesday, May 12, 2009


The BBC is reporting that average, man/woman-in-the-street Britons are disillusioned with the EU of Continental Europe.

We think of the BBC as generally touting the lib line and it is good to occasionally hear a politically incorrect or at least an unbiased commentary issuing forth from Broadcast House or whatever they call it.

I know that sounds harsh but my goodness, such nonsense is often the rule.

At any rate, I have had misgivings about the viability of the EU since the early 1960’s and I must confess to a certain degree of satisfaction when I see a few of our humble reservations apparently being quite the thing.

We at The Study love the tongue-in-cheek newspaper headline:


We believe that the day the Continentals [not the American Revolutionaries] find that they can really pull together will be the day that ice cubes do well in hell.

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