Wednesday, November 28, 2007


It looks like Rudi v. Hillary in 2008. Both have baggage. She has more.

A lot more.

The Iraq War will continue to be won. Yes, the word is won. Casualties will continue to decline. National democrats will grow progressively quiet on their calls for an idiotic early withdrawal.

Iran will either abort the nuclear weapons program in a manner acceptable to US and the West or suffer more than it wants to. This will happen sooner rather than later.

US airpower has begun practicing the dropping of the bunker busters. Iran should take notice.

If it is true that the United States Army and Marine Corps are stressed by their current responsibilities, it is also true that the United States Navy and Air Force are totally unstressed. We are talking naval battle groups and squadrons.

The American public will become educated about the importance of private security forces in war zones. They will be seen to be essential and not out of control in any sense of the word. If this is not seen to be the case, it will be a blow to public understanding of what is necessary in this new world of ours.

The most dire predictions of global warming will be seen to be nonsense.

Algore will be seen to have played fast and loose with reality. The awarding of his prize is a disgrace to the process.

The faithful who believed the above two apocalyptic sources of ignorance will be embarrassed if they have the sense to be aware of reality.

The Presidential Election of 2008 will prove to be a fascinating one.

Not long ago, it could be argued that to some degree at least, the two national parties were tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum.

Believe me, this is not the case today.

1 comment:

Upnorfjoel said...

Just a note to your election prediction.......

I don't think anyone would disagree with your Hillary in '08 prediction, but wait.....Barack has Oprah on his side now!

No, the real problem for the old-school dems is that either of these will be nominated. l think that in their back-room sessions, they are scared silly about 2008. I think they have serious doubt (as I do) that either Barack or Hillary are really electable.

Hilary continues to sort of self-implode over major issues to which she constantly waffles. Bill may be her only hope. Do you think for one minute that if she still didn't have Willy standing with her, that she be anywhere near the nomination?? For your average card-carrying dem, the mystique of Bill is just to hard to turn down. Amazing....but is it enough to win the general election?

Barack is another story. Too black for many whites and not black enough for most blacks! I feel ashamed about his situation and how many on both sides of color still harbor their prejudice. From what I know about him, the person is's his views and policies we must reject. Sadly, most people don't even make it that far.

If the GOP can produce a solid candidate in a Reagan-esque model, they can win this thing yet. I think Mit is our best opportunity, but the picture is still forming. Or can we dare start to think about a President Huckabee without giggling???

Nice new home for your blog. I look forward to reading.....