Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Thanksgiving Weekend has come and gone and it went well, as expected and as hoped for, thank the Lord.

Cousins, children, grandchildren, significant others, and spouses thereof gathered at the family seat, as it were, the home of Grandma and Grandpa.

There was turkey and taters and the whole traditional lot and folks all brought their individual specialties.

We enjoyed cocktails and main course and dessert.

We looked out the windows at the frozen koi pond and the bird feeders and the Two Flags.

We thanked God for our blessings and lamented and tried to understand the reverses to friends and family and the world.

We talked of family gatherings of the past.

On Friday we breakfasted and shopped and dined and enjoyed fellowship till late hours.

On Saturday we withdrew to the 19th Century by means of a short drive to a small town and did lunch; a walkabout amidst Victorian trappings; and returned home for leftovers.

On Sunday we enjoyed fine dining and a superb professional stage production of Christmas Carol.

How sweet it is/was!

Thank the Good Lord.

And the national and international news was upbeat.

The Democrat leadership in the Congress was absent from the headlines.

Casualties were down in the war zones.

Shopping in the nation’s malls was proceeding at a brisker-than-expected pace.

Oil prices appeared to be leveling off .

All the old problems were still out there, but the family gathered and for a moment at least, a lot seemed right with the world.

We prayed for those in need and thanked God for His blessings.

It seemed that we could utter the Elizabethan prayer with some confidence:

These are the days that the Lord hath made.
Let us rejoice and be glad in them.
... paraphrased

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