Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Khartoum rioters called for her execution.
Sudanese law allowed for lashes, prison, and a fine.

Rioters were foiled.
The teacher was pardoned.
She was ordered out of the country.

Deportation! Such a deal!!!!

Consider for a moment.

In our country, authorities wring their hands over whether or not to execute serial killers, folks guilty of rape and torture and mutilation and whatever.

They anguish over American versions of torture: the playing of loud music; water boarding and the like.

Folks in Sudan wanted, no doubt still want, to dismember a teacher for allowing students to name a teddy bear in a manner offensive to them.

Maybe we have caught a glimpse of just who the enemy is out there.

Maybe this incident can serve as a reality check for folks trying to make sense out of how best to deal with threats to the world as we know it.

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