Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Wannabees register as candidates.

They give speeches.

Media reports sound bites (bytes?) of the speeches.
Pollsters survey voters.
Money and influence flows to the most popular candidates.
Handlers write and adjust the contents of future speeches.
Media reports those speeches.

And so the process proceeds and builds towards the primaries, those arenas which have replaced the evil smoke-filled rooms which were so destructive to our…democracy.

Say what????

As Granddaughter would say, “Whatever.”

The news departments in our local newspaper shrinks just as the adverts and classified sections grow.

Local broadcast media devotes more and more time to crime news and weather reporting.

Economics is an important determining factor.

It is hard, really hard, for the average voter to get beyond candidate sound bites.

Is there really an average voter? Or is this term a euphemism, as in the case of developing nation instead of undeveloped?

Accusations are made, as are claims and jillions of assertions. Media reports them and usually finds that the problems being addressed are so complex that few voters would want to take the time to digest a really detailed analysis.

And so there is no real analysis. We are left with shallow barrages of propaganda designed to sound good, regardless of the merits of their arguments.

And then the candidates are finally chosen and the process is rehearsed again.

And the nation elects a President.

Sometimes we get a winner. We have had them.

Sometimes we get a loser.

In the long run, we will get what we deserve.

Which will it be this time?

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