Wednesday, October 1, 2008


b.o., in a recent speech, announced what he felt to be the #1 goal of this generation: the stopping of global warming.

Say what??

The #1 goal of this generation, if there is a #1 goal, is not to stop a hypothetical computer model.

Most likely there is no #1 goal of a generation.

The real #1 goal of a citizen might be, emphasize might be, to help create a world in which the individual can realize his fullest potential whilst helping to make his family, his nation, his culture, safe for future generations of his fellow countrymen/women.

Baloney on the #1 goal being to stop something which is probably not even happening.

b.o. is an airhead.

He talks nonsense.

Folks who believe him think nonsense. Is that a correct sentence??
Regardless, it is a true statement.

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