Sunday, October 19, 2008


The presidential race is a statistical tie.
But the momentum seems to be with b.o. He is raising and spending…a great deal of money.

He is smooth. Young. A gifted speaker. He makes his young and liberal audiences feel good.
He promises the impossible. A few of McCain’s promises are economical with probability too.

But b.o.’s promises are full of freight, baggage, stuff that will hurt the nation if they ever come true.
McCain’s exaggerations will not hurt the Republic if they reach fruition.

I am a poor chess player. At least I do not think they will hurt the nation.
The Episcopal Church is now down to 2.5 million members one report says. The worldwide Anglican Communion numbers 77 million.
The former entity is shrinking.
The latter is growing.

The leadership of the American wing of the Communion is taking it down the toilet. And the majority of folks in the pews do not even know it.

The Episcopal press was, we recall, at least as impressed with the Presiding Bishop’s resume as a pilot and marine biologist as it was with any theological expertise.

b.o. and Sarah Palin and John McCain appear on such venues as oprah, snl, letterman, and Lenno.
They appear there because that is where a hell of a lot of voters want to see them…and where a hell of a lot of voters get their ‘information’.
God save us.

I restored a political sign to an upright position today. It had either fallen down or had been uprooted. And planted a new one alongside it.
Nice when people toss down your campaign signs. Really ‘fair and balanced’.

We know that it is a truism that as you get older, time seems to fly by faster and faster.
But boy, this year the accelerated passage of time has really been noticeable. It seems but a week or two ago that we put the boat in the lake and opened up the camp.
And now the boat is out and the camp is closed.
In a twinkling.
And so many folks have died. Or become ill.

And seemingly but a few weeks ago we lit the last fire of late winter in our fireplace…and now I am splitting wood for the first of the new season.

It makes you wonder how many more years one has left…how many more seasons.
The time is really passing by…
I suspect that it has always been so, for the seniors of the society.
The youngsters long for the next day, for the next week, for the next season.
The oldsters know that the next will come all too soon.

Take care, take good care with your time.

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