Monday, February 9, 2009


We supported a Boy Scout Troop today and we did it in a good old fashioned way.
Church in the AM and then home for a home cooked breakfast.

Then a few hours of drinking coffee and reading msm and calling family and in-laws to see who could accompany us to a fundraiser for a Boy Scout Troop at our Elks Club.

Nine Dear Folks represented our Family: our Son and Daughter; two Grandkids; ourselves; a friend of our Daughter; and our Daughter’s in-laws.

The food and fellowship was delightful. We bought a few drinks and supported the Club.

The Scouts were everywhere making sure that all their guests were having a good time.

I remember that this is the way it used to be so often in the ‘good old days’, little people doing big things.

It used to work wonders. It was working Sunday.

I hope it works in the future.

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