Sunday, February 1, 2009


A new day, a new month: Sunday, 1 February 2009.

Ten or twelve inches of snow have begun to melt and a new month is starting.
Hopefully the ice dams along the eves will begin to recede as well.

An Elizabethan prayer/saying/whatever comes to mind:

This is the day the Lord hath made.
Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Our long-time priest retired this past summer.
We have just installed our 'interim' pastor.
He laid it on the line this AM: Things don't get done in a church because a pastor tells the congregation what to do.
Things get done because the congregation individually and collectively says I/we will get things done.
And I think that that is how it is with life, with the life of a family; a society; a nation.
Another Elizabethan prayer comes to mind, the prayer of a Cavalier general during the English Civil War:
Lord, I shall be busy this day and may forget thee.
Please do not forget me.
This may be a paraphrase.
But you get the idea.
The military has a saying too: Off and on - or, Off your butts and on your feet.
I cannot help but think of the people of Kentucky at this time of their terrible ice storm.
The Anchoress called the matter of the slowness of outside help to the area to mind.
The msm today has a bit on the great job the state is doing to help itself and of the beginnings of outside aid.
In WW2 there was the song lyric, Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.
Or that other great saying, Puritan I believe, but not sure: The Lord helps those that help themselves.
At any rate, the idea is that things don't just happen. Causes create what happens.
We need to be causes, not merely spectators.
What a thought!
Thanks, Pastor Les for that thought this AM.
Those who just attend church cannot really call themselves fully involved. He said it better, but that will do.
Those who just watch the news are not really citizens in the fullest sense.
Just filling a pew is like going to a football game.
We have to act, to do, to cause things to happen.
A new month.
I hope I/we can make it count.

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