Saturday, April 18, 2009


The house is quiet. Sophie is asleep. Dear Wife is at an annual brunch. And I have taken up the keyboard.

Our Lenten Study continues at Church. We have five or so sessions to go.

One of our exercises is to produce three pages of writing per day to get the inner processes going. On any topic(s).

I admitted to the group last session that the negatives going on in the world are taking up a disproportionate amount of my writing time; that my daily three pages are not being done; that I am suffering from ‘negative constipation’.

And here I am struggling again with the beauty and goodness around us and finding thoughts and emotions battling with all the negatives which are intruding into our consciousness.

The robins are gathering building materials. The pond is entirely thawed and awaiting annual maintenance and the reintroduction of inhabitants. The lawns are greening up w/o benefit of fertilizer. Little green plants are already several inches high all over the place. The temperature today is predicted to be ca. 75 degrees. The sky is blue and the sun is brilliant. We are getting our reduced-delivery newspapers at fantastic price and enjoying them more.

And so on.

And yet the negatives are all around.

I will not repeat them; list them; or rehash.

But they are so much in our minds.

Thank the Good Lord for Family; for Church; for gentle pursuits; for home chores; for traditions which remind us of some of the reasons for why we are what we are.

After all, we little people do not have the responsibility of solving all the problems of the world.

God knows, we have enough of our own.

But it is so tough to watch all the mistakes being made and the ignorant acceptance of those mistakes by so many presumably intelligent people.

I am thinking that it must be really tough to be in a responsible position of power and to know that one cannot simply solve the problems which present themselves and go unresolved.

The lies; the misrepresentations; the ignorance; the blatant, outright falsifications; the incredible complexity and sometimes the unbelievable simplicity –

And to have lost faith in the competence; the honesty; the patriotism; the “Americanesss” of our leadership - it is hard to be proud and confident of our national leadership at this time.

We at The Study believe that the Nation is in for a very long four years, perhaps 8 years.

Again, the Nation will get what it deserves.

God help us.


Anonymous said...


Howdy from North Carolina. First of all-keep your spirits up and never waver. While I was but a wee one growing up I remember in the far corners of my mind a fellow called Goldwater. I didn't know what he was all about or the fess until I matured. In addition to him I can think of several more individuals that were Patriots, Conservative, etc. and they were basically going alone in the Political world. But they hung in there. Ronald Regan? changed the world and just after Jimmy Carters administration. Turn to the light. Guys like Rick Perry, Govenor of Texax. Paulin of Alaska. South Carolina Govenor. The conservatives of this world will find good people to fight and win against this terrible liberalism that is happening right now. So keep the faith, Be strong, be of good cheer. God is in control.


Paul said...

Thanks, Mike, for your 'Anonymous posting'...
As the song lyric says, 'Emphasize the positive, deemphasize the negative', or words to that effect.
Thanks for the hopeful notes...
I think of this time as the valley of hope...
There is so much bad stuff coming down...
And so many people who don't seem to be aware....
Can we ever repair all the damage which is being done?
'God is in control' is true...but it has a number of meanings...all of which are 'arguable'...all of which are 'mainstream'...
And therein lies the rub...
Bad things happen;
God is in control;
His 'control' does not mean they will not happen...Too many bad things happen every good people...
There I go...depressing again...
And yet it is also true God is in charge...So where do you go from there?
What do you think?