Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Tuesday evening – a second day of rain.
Monday skies were heavy, gray affairs. The rain was significant – not fierce but steady and heavy.
Tuesday rainfall was intermittent – and the skies were less impacted.

And Sophie and I went back in time again. Dear Wife was on a mission of her own and Sophie had an appointment with her doctor.

And so we drove for 45 minutes to a town founded early in the 19th Century.
We enjoyed a successful doctor visit. Pleasant staff; positive exam results; and we were on our way.

We have been searching for a cemetery we found some years ago with unusual Civil War grave markings.
I had hopes the markings might be found in this town’s cemetery.

And so we drove from the office to the cemetery. It is located adjacent to the high school.
If the kids are at all aware, they might gain a little insight into life by walking/driving by a cemetery every day.

Anyway, drove into the old place – found the Civil War part of things – very fine stuff there – but no desired grave markers.

And so, after a brief walkabout and a brief driveabout, it was back to our Era.

A thought: the cemetery, tho old, was well cared for: tidy, raked, picked up, etc..

What a pleasure to walk about with Sophie and see weeds AND grass all over the place.

People and dog friendly, that is what it was/is.

How unlike subdivisions back in the 21st Century.

‘Perfect green lawns’; robins and squirrels and ducks and dogs and cats and even kids enjoying those ‘perfect green lawns’ – and in front of so many of those lawns those damned little green CAUTION – POISON – KEEP OFF UNTIL DRY.

How wonderful!

Too bad birds and dogs and cats and squirrels and little kids and worms do not read very well.

So what the hell!!

Gotta keep those damned weeds out of our PERFECT GREEN LAWNS.

But the drive was nice, out and back. And the old homes are beautiful. And the storefronts, second story, are works of art.

And Sophie and I had a great time.

Coffee, banana, and breakfast bar kept Himself going, and Sophie had her water, toys, and a dog treat.

We did ok.

And then there was/is the news:

The young pirate cried in New York.
A nyt op ed piece called for the abolition of the US Air Force and for the national service conscription of all young Americans.
Polar ice melt predictions are being downgraded.
b.o. says it might be ok to go after CIA operatives and legal staff who ok’d enhanced interrogation techniques.

One writer suggested that CIA operations might better be described as CYA operations.

It if were not so serious it would be funny.

We have never owned a Chrysler. Probably never will. But we understand today that Chrysler has turned down Government monies in order to avoid Government control.
For once in my life I say…if Chrysler were a girl…I would say as the kids say, YOU GO GIRL!!!

And we read that banks cannot give back Government money JUST BECAUSE THEY WANT TO?????

GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And national service conscription???? For all American youth?????

GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the national majority still is enraptured with b.o.


b.o.’s national intelligence director has written that enhanced interrogation techniques worked! Saved lives!

And b.o. is saying that is ok to look into going after the interrogators or at least those who authorized the interrogations.

Wonder what made him change his mind.

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