Wednesday, July 22, 2009


The image is irresistible: the great steam locomotive fitted with a V plow moves steadily down the snow covered track clearing snow off the right of way.

Mile after mile it does the job – until the snowfall grows heavier and the piles and drifts become ever heavier and deeper.

Eventually, the snow begins to compact ahead of the plow, becoming denser, ever more solid and heavy.

The wheels of the engine begin to slip, to turn without traction. Forward movement ceases.

The engineer backs up and rams the impenetrable drifts again and again.

The engine fails to break through and runs the considerable risk of running itself right off the tracks.

Just before that most unfortunate outcome occurs, the engine equipped with a V plow is replaced with one configured with a rotary plow.

The problems remain, but the railroad gets rid of inadequate, dangerous equipment.

New engine, new engineer, and the company once again is on the road to success.

1 comment:

Upnorfjoel said...

Excellent, excellent! The metaphor gave me a boost!

Now where's that damn rotary!!