Saturday, August 8, 2009


August 8 – 2009.

Good grief.

It is late and the day has been busy and we are tired.
But we must network a little bit.

There have been breakfasts, lunches, and dinners.
And a cocktail hour and munchies and talk about things great and small and grilling and before that grocery shopping and shopping with the Grand Kids and driving and all sorts of such hilarity.

And the people.
We saw Deputy Sheriffs with great handlebar mustaches on great draft horses and crowds and small-town bakeries and smiling and laughing senior citizens and junior citizens.

Up this AM and out the door to do ‘heartland stuff’.

There is a little town near the end of the Leelanau Peninsula that for fifteen years has hosted a DOG PARADE!

The parade is headed up by first responders – police and fire…and it is followed up by the same.

And there are jillions of dogs.

And most are costumed, as are their ‘masters’.

Dear Wife just sat down across from me and I just realized that the above is just a bit ‘disjointed’.

I cannot help it and if I don’t keep going for a little while I will fall asleep.
We are tired.

There was a storm last night in this little town and two good-sized boats moored in the marina broke loose from their moorings and washed ashore.

We overheard such talk as we walked toward the water after the parade.

And, and, as we approached the marina, Dear Wife noticed that standing by the side of the road was no less than one of the lads from my high school class of 1959 with his wife, sister, and brother-in-law, up for a visit from ‘downstate.’

Alumnus and wife were two of the classmates we had over for dinner in May.

We had a delightful chat.

The business of the Leelanau is cutting me off from day-to-day news.

We love the news, but this is a nice change: real, old-fashioned America on a Saturday afternoon, watching a dog parade which is a huge community draw.

The community is Northport, Michigan.


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