Sunday, August 23, 2009


We were never big fans, but we used to see him on Crossfire and occasionally an article or two of his would come our way.

And then, with his death, we noticed a quotation of his, in so many words:
“Love your country but don’t trust your government.”

Like all such proclamations, there are times when they are more or less accurate admonitions.

Crises, emergencies, these might be times when one has to trust, perhaps trust blindly.

But when there is time to think it over, to discuss, to consider more than even two sides, then it might be the course of wisdom to reserve the automatic salute to what the government says or preaches.

Such is a time now.

b.o. is simply incredibly, unbelievably economical with the truth.

His snow-plow engine is piling the stuff up every loving day.

Death panels; b.o.’s statements regarding negative consequences of public option; b.o.’s efforts at bipartisanship; his professed understanding of American economy and culture and how to enhance/protect/preserve it; and the like – these and other instances should make it impossible for the thinking American to believe virtually anything the current President of the United States says about anything having to do traditional American life.

It is time “…not to trust.”

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