Friday, October 2, 2009


Friday night in The North.
It has rained all day.
It is cold.
And it has been a good day.

A few things:
Watched the final episode of the Ken Burns special on the national parks. Of especial interest to us was this last segment in which a significant part concerned Alaska.

We missed the opening editions. Will catch them later.

A sports writer the other day opined that one of the good things about sports is that you can vent all you want about favorite teams and scores and who is or who is not the best at this or that and no one cares a darn – no real good or bad results can come from what is said regarding this or that.

In the Ken Burns special, one especially poignant statement goes something like this [paraphrased] : The wildness of Alaska is neither for you nor against you. Rather, it is unforgiving of mistakes.

Now why would I decide to write of these two back to back? I don’t know. There is a thread there. If it wasn’t so late, and if lots of good things hadn’t happened, I might have the answer.
Will think on it.

b.o. failed to get the games for his city.
He did manage 25 minutes with our commander in Afghanistan.

What a guy!

And how about david letterman!

And whoopy [I know, wrong spelling] goldberg : It is not rape rape.

But then again, how about Sarah Palin? She has a new book coming out pretty soon, ahead of schedule.

We intend to buy it.
As one writer urges, consider the purchase a political contribution, a poke in the eye to the libs.

Read the article re the publication in the American Thinker:

As one website wrote: Go girl!!

Speaking of Alaska, one of our guides in that awesome state, during an especially long and heavy rainfall, remarked that she loves the rain, that in Alaska it is sometimes referred to as Liquid Sunshine.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

We taped the Ken Burns series and look forward to watching -- esp the piece on AK :) Would be fun if Sarah's book shot to #1...everyone I spoke with in AK this summer loves her.