Monday, November 2, 2009


Last Sunday was the day of the last game of our Granddaughters’ soccer league.
It was also the day of the Sunday School Halloween Party at Church.

And it was cold and windy – but not rainy.
The sun was out.

The Dear Granddaughters were a pirate and a little devil – a good pirate and a good little devil.
Their Mom had made the costumes and they were priceless.

We took the girls to Church and then over to the soccer field.

I was wearing my grey raincoat, full length, with a dress hat.
I dress that way in inclement weather.
I don’t dress up for Halloween.

Dear Grandma had dressed up for the day in her witch costume.
She is in the choir and lots of those folks dress up in the spirit of the day.

Dear Grandma, my Dear Wife, dresses up as a good witch, but her outfit is black with a tall pointy hat.

Anyway, there we were on the sidelines, Mr. Raincoat and Mrs. Witch.

Grandkids’ parents arrived and Gramma and I had to leave to attend a brunch.

The next day was piano lesson day at our house and Gramma brought the Dear Girls up to our house for their lesson.

9-year old Dear Granddaughter Elise sat at the table eating her snack before the lesson started and said, “Grandpa, one of my team [she named the player but I have forgotten the name] said look over there, Elise. A detective and a witch are watching our game!”

Elise told her that the detective and the witch were her Gramma and Grampa.

I/we love it!!!

New nicknames have been born.

Never a dull moment, as my Gramma used to say.


Upnorfjoel said...

Great post Paul. I loved it!!

Thinking about your later post, where you mentioned men's fashions changing, and then this one with your "detective" hat, makes me think about an observation I made watching an old "Perry Mason" episode the other night: One could only conclude that every male in 1957 wore a Fedora! Oh, and also smoked cigarettes. I doubt either of these was true...but that was no doubt the "fashion" of the day, at least for TV characters!

I love hats, and so the other day I wore mine on an inclement day in which I was a chaparone on a field trip with Amy. On two occasions, other little fourth-graders ask me if I was Amy's grandpa? Since most of my gray hair was under the hat, and since my face would CERTAINLY never give away my real age, I have to guess that it was my HAT! Oh kept the rain off my head.

Paul said...

If a man does not wear a hat, what on earth can he take off when he passes a lady on the street or shares an elevator with her?
This observation lifted from the writings of H.V. Morton.