Monday, December 7, 2009


I used to ask my students to research various historical figures and to reach arguable conclusions regarding those figures.

F.D.R., Winston Churchill, Harry Truman, and b.o. would have been just right for such an exercise.

Check out the following editorial and give it a try.

What fun such a unit would have been in class, or at lunch with fellow teachers.


Upnorfjoel said...

All I can say is that only one of these guys had elementary schools named for him BEFORE they even took office! So what about that, huh?!!

Paul said...

A slight majority voted for b.o. for the wrong reasons.
And now lessons will be learned.
I suspect that each generation or cluster of generations has to learn the old lessons over - and over -
Perhaps that is why the young always believe that they know more than the elders -
They don't, but they do not know they don't.