Wednesday, December 30, 2009


The terrorist penetrated the layers of security and nearly destroyed a passenger aircraft landing at Detroit.

No one was killed.

There apparently were injuries to some people, especially heroic persons who subdued the barbarian, but no one was killed and the most seriously injured was the barbarian.

Thank God.

And there is something else that can be said:

The event was bad enough, but it could have been infinitely worse – and it has exposed the state of readiness of our ‘layers of security’, one year into the b.o. Presidency.

Without attempting a laundry list of specifics, b.o.’s actions since the Detroit event have been patently frivolous and wanting; his homeland security director is obviously imcompetent; although denied by b.o.’s Administration, the barbarians obviously are engaged in a war against the United States and we understand that the barbarian underwear bomber is to be tried as a criminal, not as an enemy combatant, a status which will afford him the luxuries of an American civilian court.

The silver lining in all of this is that b.o.’s incompetence has been displayed in graphic detail and no one was killed.
The most seriously injured was the barbarian.

We were blessed, lucky, fortunate, whatever you choose to call it – no thanks to b.o.

Such will not always be the case.

The libs used to criticize President Bush for taking too many vacations.

The war against the barbarians is heating up.

b.o. is on vacation.

The difference is that unlike the known determination of the Previous Administration to combat/kill/interdict terrorists, b.o.'s commitment to the War on Terror is as questionable as his commitment to close Gitmo.

Why is it good to expose the failings of b.o.??

It is good because the 2010 and 2012 elections are looming in the not too distant future – and we suggest that the security and welfare of the United States is not being well served by the current Presidential Administration and leadership and membership of the United States Congress.

The myopic voters who fell for the b.o. line last election and elected him and his national dems need to see what deviltry they have wrought – and vote them and him out of office.

For it is deviltry – and we can only hope to survive his/their leadership with as few casualties as possible.

1 comment:

Upnorfjoel said...

"What we are focused on is making sure that the air environment remains safe, that people are confident when they travel. And one thing I’d like to point out is that the system worked."
-DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano.

The system worked??!!

I guess she means the system that:

1. Failed on three occasions to follow up on intelligence items.
2. Allowed the guy to pass through airport security twice carrying explosive materials.
3. Required the passengers to tackle and subdue the terrorist on their own.
4. Counts on explosive devices NOT exploding.

Yes, that system worked great.

All is well.

At least we didn't "profile" anybody.