Monday, October 11, 2010


A friend invited us last night to ‘work’ election day, to staff the table where voters are processed in to cast their ballot.

We were informed that there is a class to take and that recruits are required to appear at their duty stations at something like 6am.
Is there even such a time???

Pay apparently is … $110. Not a paltry sum. You could buy a lot of scotch for that amount of remuneration.

Anyway, we will not turn out to staff that trench of our democracy. God willing, we will spend the day routinely, monitoring a bit more thoroughly the coverage on the various news sources, and look forward to an evening of intense observation.

We hope for a Republican wave to swamp the democrats at all levels which can influence the national leadership.
We look forward to influencing some of our friends and all of our family and intend to pray for the Republican victory.

b.o.’s ideological programs have proven to be a disaster, hopefully one which can be rectified and reversed.

As we have said in these pages before, our nation will get the leadership it deserves.
If the American voter does not vote intelligently, we will probably be cursed with unintelligent leadership.

Surely, surely, the disaster of b.o. will now be apparent to enough Americans to force him to accommodate policies which will at last remedy the problems which he inherited and which he has caused.

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