Sunday, October 24, 2010


Of course npr should be taxpayer defunded!

As our police officer son remarked when told that a man ticketed for shooting his non-performing lawnmower was drunk, "You think?"

npr is condescending; superior; leftist; liberal; so full of itself....

I listen daily for the occasional gem...and the liberal tripe which is so very prevalent.

The firing was low class; illiberal; disgusting.

It was so typical of the liberal mindset...discriminatory; illiberal in fact; cruel; stupid; so guilty of the double standard; and adjectives which i only utter when by myself.

1 comment:

Upnorfjoel said...

Right on, Paul!

They claim that government funds cover only 2% of their operating costs they shouldn't even miss it, right?

Yeah, right!

I'd give them three months,and then Juan can cover their "signing off" moment for FOX.