Friday, November 12, 2010


Decision Points, George W. Bush, is in stores today.
A very reticent former President speaks out.

We miss Mr. Bush here at The Study.

We are not surprised at the vitriol which is greeting this release.
We are saddened by it.

Similar hatred is engendered by the mere mention of such as Sarah P.

Liberals are such pieces of work.

Overheard this morning on Morning with Joe on msnbc:

Joe wondered aloud in debate at the inconsistency of the left ranting and raving about alleged Bush-era torture while remaining mute with regard to b.o.’s increasing use of predator drones which inevitably result in severe collateral damage.
How is it that the killing of the innocent is ok under the watch of b.o., wondered Joe, but the non-lethal water boarding of a few human monsters by President Bush is grounds for impeachment?

Well said, Joe of Morning with Joe.
Beware the wrath of your bosses.

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