Wednesday, November 3, 2010


We have to express delight at the results of the most recent election, as reported so far.

The rebuff to b.o. is clear. It cannot be denied.

The House is sufficiently Republican to prevent absolute dem control of legislation, and Republican chairmen will take their places of leadership in all committees.

And nancy is out of a job.

We look forward to careful crafting of legislation; to as many congressional investigations as is appropriate; and to the beginnings of national politics as it is supposed to be carried out.

It remains to be seen if b.o. can adapt to the new situation.

If he is smart, flexible, not doctrinaire, able to compromise, he may pull off a successful move toward the center.
He would remain in office, but his leftward lurches would be things of the past.

If not, well, then he will turn out to be a one-termer.
And he will join the ranks of the disgraced.

Either way, it is a likely win for the good guys, God willin’.

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