Wednesday, May 7, 2008


The ‘airwaves’, as folks used to say, are alive, are full of talk of the end of the line for hillary.

I am really surprised.

I thought that b.o. was too young, too black, too tarnished, too inexperienced to have a real chance at the nomination.

Well, such is apparently not to be.

The bright side of this development is that he is probably the easier candidate for the Right to defeat. hillary is an unlikable character, but b.o. is, I suggest, unelectable at this time for the above ‘too’ reasons.

Once again the democrats are going about the business of nominating an unelectable candidate.

I do not think that he is too black. But I do think he is too young, inexperienced, and tarnished. And probably some more ‘too’ stuff too.

At least we will be rid of the clintons on the national stage.


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