Monday, May 12, 2008


We are seeing a variety of prices for gas in our area.

But all are in the upper $3.00 range, edging ever closer to the magic, the black magic, of $4.00.

How high can it really go?

I seem to remember john kerry criticizing President Bush for not raising gas taxes to reduce consumption. And then criticizing the same President for lowering gas prices shortly before the last election.

As though a President of the US is able to raise or lower the price of a gallon of gas.

john kerry is a mental midget.

The greens want higher gas prices to reduce consumption. But they want the higher prices to be because of taxes, not futures trading. More $$ for the State, don’t you know.

Of course, evil capitalists are not to be allowed to drill off coasts; in Anwar (sp?); develop coal sands; operate wind farms off the NE Coast; build more refineries; reduce the insane number of gas cocktail recipes; delay progressively crippling average fleet mpgs; and on and on and on.

Imagine a world where the US unilaterally cripples itself with green regulations whilst the undeveloped [backward] nations of the world pollute and add filth in ever growing amounts.

Imagine a world where the unilaterally crippled US withdraws behind protectionist tariffs and green regulations whilst the world’s barbarians carry out their … agendas.

And hillary condemns President Bush for acting like President Hoover with regard to our alleged recession whilst advocating the very tariff insanity promoted by President Hoover which exacerbated the Great Depression.

Someone said that the clintons think only of today and tomorrow, that for them there are/were no yesterdays, that for them, the memory span of the American People lasts only for a few days.

Good God Almighty!!!

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