Friday, May 9, 2008


It is reported that the prc [the peoples’ republic of china (mainland china)] is considering buying farmland overseas, in Africa and South America.
The population is large and growing.

And the prc is operating an underground nuclear sub base close to “vital sea lanes.”
The prc seeks what is known as a “blue water navy.” Such a navy is required to protect overseas investments and communication with those investments.

A year or two ago the prc attempted to buy a port at one end of the Panama Canal.
Control is an important part of the growth pattern of an emerging great power.

And the prc is buying up ever-increasing quantities of iron and coal and petroleum to feed it’s growing colossus of an economy.
International sources of supply are essential to great power status.

Environmental concerns are apparently of little interest or concern to the emerging great power economy of the prc.
Emergent economies cannot afford the luxury of cleanliness.

National self-interests as defined by the prc are frequently in conflict with those interests of the US, Russia, India, Taiwan, Japan, and other nations of the Far East Region.
Folks forget that the prc is not merely a competitor in many arenas. It is an enemy.

The prc produces an enormous amount of goods enjoyed and even required by the economies of the world.
Trade between nations does not by any means guarantee peace between nations. Lots of folks do not know or believe this.

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