Friday, June 6, 2008


Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, in his trial at Guantanamo Bay, has requested that he be executed by US authorities.

As the old advert said regarding drunken drivers and the havoc they cause and have caused, "After all they [he] has done for us, shouldn't we do something for them [him]?"

Let's grant his wish. Let's do what he has asked us to do.

Guilty verdict.



1 comment:

Upnorfjoel said...

Could be what he wants. Or he could be asking it, thinking that we will refuse to give him what he wants, and the reality being that he's scared to hell to meet Allah!

I remember the scenes from the old French Penal colony in "Papillon".
Supposedly a true account of the conditions there. Too bad that a convicted terrorist couldn't be removed from the Guantanamo Resort and sent to a similar place. Hard labor, lots of "nice" fellows on both sides of the fence, and just enough feeding and care to keep him alive.
No news, no Koran, no lawyer, no mercy.
There are many things much worse than death. (Well, except for maybe this man.) Why not create that environment for him?
Oh right; we wouldn't be allowed to do that. Too many libs worried about his welfare. So we'll execute him and say that it's on their behalf!